Lodging Conference – was it trick or treat?

On my way home from Lodging Conference, always one of my favorites, I jotted down the following take-aways.
Prognosticators – “first inning of a double header” .. from their mouths to god’s ears … “…yes, there is new supply everywhere, but markets are absorbing and this should continue given GDP improvements both nationally and internationally” while that appears to be occurring, something in the back of my mind worries that I’ve heard this before
Turn out – attendance felt light … availability of seating on the back patio seemed to confirm … reasons shared included: timing on the calendar w/ folks focused on year-end and budgeting; ALIS being too close, and the most often heard reason: Halloween and growing importance of that holiday
Deal flow – slim pickings especially for value add … too late in the year to be just coming to market? … advisors waiting for ALIS to present new deals … wondering if that’s true
Investment picture – debt markets are liquid, no real pressure to sell unless someone wants to pay up … Chinese capital notwithstanding, off-shore funds are plentiful and willing to take on full pricing … Asian, Middle Eastern and Euro funds are putting pressure on US PE funds and REITs that want to transact but are maintaining a more defensive u/w posture Brands – do we really need another one?
